03. Evaluation and Submission

Evaluation and Submission


Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the Online Resume Project Rubric. Be sure to review it thoroughly before you submit. All criteria must "meet specifications" in order to pass.

Please make note of the Udacity Front End JavaScript Style Guide to make sure your project meets code quality and readability requirements.


  1. The master branch is the default Github repository branch. If you wish to submit another branch, you'll need to set it as the new default branch inside your Github repository.
  2. When you're ready to submit your project go back to your Udacity Home, click on Project 2, and we'll walk you through the rest of the submission process. Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, please allow up to 7 business days for your evaluation to be returned.
  3. If you are having any problems submitting your project or wish to check on the status of your submission, please email us at frontend-project@udacity.com or visit us in the discussion forums.

What's Next?

You will get an email as soon as your reviewer has feedback for you. In the meantime, review your next project and feel free to get started on it or the courses supporting it!


Please make sure to completely fill out ALL sections of the resume including the footer section.

If you want to start now with good JavaScript practices, you can follow the Udacity JavaScript StyleGuide.